Let's revolutionize the investment industry together!
This future best-selling book will help us get the word out...
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If you missed the Free Mini-Course I reference in this video, you can check it out HERE.
The book is done! The final manuscript has been submitted. It is being processed by the publisher now.
We will have books in hand to send out to you by September, 2021!
Industry Myths
You'll discover the myths, misconceptions, and misrepresentations that are slowly killing your retirement savings.
Research, Data, Logic
After studying the research-backed, logic-based, data-driven pages, you'll fully understand the potentially-ruinous problems.
Better Solutions
You'll become familiar with several incredible alternative solutions that will seem like no-brainers once you understand how they work.
The first iteration of this book was... okay. Just, okay.
The idea was solid—this Stop Investing Like They Tell You Movement. It needs to be said.
But the execution was a bit lacking... there is so much more that needs to be said to help people.
That's the life-changing information we'll be sharing with this updated version.
But, that first iteration was still well received...
Here's what readers said about it on...

Why should you Stop Investing Like They Tell You?
Well, let me ask you a few questions...
What's your allocation to stock? Over 50%...? That's a lot banking on one type of investment! I'd be nervous…
What's your allocation to bonds? Over 20%...? With interest rates as low as they are...!? Even on paper, that doesn't seem wise…
What's your exposure to the United States?
Over 70%...? Banking on a single country!?
I love the US just as much as the next patriot, but really?! "No pressure Uncle Sam, but for some reason, tens of millions of investors are betting almost exclusively on you!!!"
In 1929, the US stock market started its 89% decline! It took 25 years before the market reached new highs.
In 1989, the Japanese stock market peaked near $40,000. Today, 3 DECADES later, it's around $20,000... HALF!
It took 2 decades to reach its low, an over 80% drop.
Imagine your investments and retirement plans through either of those scenarios.
Can you feel the emotion? The stress? The pain?
Is it impossible something like that OR WORSE could happen again?
Of course not! Why would it be?
Would you be able to "stay the course?"
Would you want to...?
That's what your advisor and pundits are telling you to do... right?
See, it's not your fault you're so exposed. It's theirs.
Don't worry; there's are better ways…
The problem is... most advisors don't even understand them…
This research-based, logic-filled, data-driven book provides investors with practical, easy-to-understand solutions.
Most investors succumb to laziness and apathy when faced with these realities. It's much easier to invest like everyone else and use ignorance as an excuse…
Challenge the traditional investment paradigms. Don't leave your life savings at risk.
The simple changes outlined here can have a significant impact on your financial future!
Help Revolutionize the Investment Industry. Reserve Your Copy Today!
About Stephen.
With more than a decade of experience as a practicing financial professional, Stephen Spicer CFP®, AEP, CLU became increasingly uncomfortable with the industry's cookie-cutter advice. He's exposed several potentially-ruinous flaws inherit in the way almost everyone tells you to invest.
A Certified Financial Planner™, he is obsessed with researching and discovering the best financial solutions to better protect his clients' hard-earned money without sacrificing gains. Learn More Here.
Reserve Your Copy Now!

And it's all backed by our...
30-Day "No Questions" Guarantee
It's true...
I just can't stand the idea of taking someone's money and them not feeling as though I've delivered more than promised.
So, if for any reason you are unsatisfied... just say the word and we'll refund your money ASAP!
You don't even have to explain yourself. That's right—NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
I know some people will take advantage of me through this guarantee. But I'm willing to take that risk. I'm not doing this for them. I'm doing this for you!
This Stop Investing Like They Tell You Movement Is Really That Important!
And we don't want anything to stand in your way as you consider this opportunity.
So, at no risk to your pocketbook - Lock in you copy and support this mission!
One final thought...
I am humbled and honored that you've given this (future-best-selling) book so much consideration already. I know that the promise of having a book in your hands months from now is difficult to get excited for ...no matter how amazing you believe it'll be. So, I just wanted to take a moment to, once again, share with you how appreciative I am for your support and vision.
Whatever you decide to do, I sincerely wish you all the best.
Thank you,